Families can peruse impressive pop art “cansculptures” at the annual charity and food drive feeding hungry New Yorkers.
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The holiday season gets everyone thinking about food—who doesn’t love stuffing themselves with with delicious eats come Thanksgiving and Christmas in NYC?—but we can’t forget about the many New Yorkers who are without meals this time of the year. Families can help feed the hungry and enjoy a unique exhibition at Canstruction, an annual charity event that invites architecture, design and engineer pros to build supercool “cansculptures” made entirely from cans of food. Once they’re completed, the structures form a quirky art exhibition that will remain on display to the public at The Winter Garden at Brookfield Place from November 6–20. Following the exhibition, all the canned food is donated to local hunger relief organizations, raising money and donations for City Harvest in NYC.
Kids will love checking out the creative sculptures, built into colorful and fun forms including some kids’ favorites like characters from Despicable Me and Batman. The designers vie for awards including Best Meal and Best Use of Labels, and nearly 100,000 cans of food will go toward a good cause as a result. Bring the family along and get in on the charitable action by bringing your own canned goods to donate to the massive food drive.
Canstruction takes place at The Winter Garden and Lobby at Brookfield Place from Thu Nov 6–Wed Nov 19 10am–6pm; Thu Nov 20 10am–5pm. Free; suggested donation of one canned food item per person.