1. At what age did you start playing Ice Hockey?
I started playing Ice Hockey at age 5. My friends Father, who lived down the street invited me to join one day, my Father had no clue about Hockey. He put my elbow pads on my knees, it was funny. I didn’t have a clue either obviously, but it’s worked out for the best.
2. It’s very impressive that at 15 you already had an agent. Please tell us, how you achieved this?
When I was 15, agents would come to select tournaments and talk to my Father and discuss the potential I had. I think currently it’s changed a bit, but I played a lot of tournaments in Canada with some top tier teams with a lot of talented players. So there were always agents around. They couldn’t really give anything due to NCAA losing eligibility and hush hush behind that, but once I wasn’t going NCAA they could fully advise me and that was at age 17.
3. From 1999-2001, you attended the The Cardigan Mountain School, an Elite all boys Boarding School in Canaan, New Hampshire. How much of an influence did this School have on you as a young child and growing Athlete?
This school really shaped me into the man I am today. Discipline, Integrity, Manners, Sportsmanship. There’s just so much to be thankful for from that school. I grew up with all sisters, so to be at an all boys school was really fun as they were all brothers to me. It made me grow as an athlete as you have to play 3 sports. I never played football before, tried it, and loved it! It was just an amazing time of my life and would recommend it for anyone.
4. What advice would you give for children today, that want a Professional career in Sports. What are the steps necessary to achieve their dream?
Don’t be a follower! Listen to what you can correct. Today with technology try and watch yourself, correct your mistakes, work on getting better but also don’t force anything. Enjoy it while it lasts, have fun. You have to love what your doing in order to be the best.
5. You currently play for Heilbronner Falken, a team in Heilbronn, Germany. What is a typical day for you? Walk us through your daily routine.
I wake up have breakfast, head to the arena for training, after workout off ice and on ice I usually go to lunch with some friends. I’ve been in Germany for 9 years now so I really enjoy the European lifestyle. Cafes are amazing to just sit and relax, read and write. As I am getting older I have been contemplating my next phase in my life, I obviously can’t play Hockey forever so it’s exciting exploring all the possibilities next for me. Germany is a place I definelty can call home, I love the surroundings, architecture and history. I’ll always come back here no matter what, I love it here and Berlin is my favorite, this city has a place in my heart forever.
6. What are some of your favorite restaurants in Germany?
So many favorites! Berlin has some wonderful Pan Asian Restaurants. One in particular is called Transit. It is minimalist in decor and serves delicious Thai and Indonesian dishes. As an athlete, carbs and pasta on game days!
I also enjoy cooking but as a bachelor, cooking for one isn’t as enjoyable and sometimes you eat far more than you should!
7. I know family is very important to you, as you pay homage to your family..often through social media. Please tell us about your family and how they were instrumental in your career?
My family has the biggest meaning in my life. They are the most supportive, and the reason I am able to be where I am. I have four sisters, two older and two younger, a nephew and a niece. My Father and Mother have worked extremely hard to support not just my upbringing but their 4 other children. My Father is a painter and my Mother works in child care.
The oldest Aimee teaches in Hong Kong and has been all over the world, she’s incredible smart. Next is Lauren. She is a nanny and has been working with children for over 15 years. She’s is amazing when it comes to Children.
The one right below me, Melissa, was an outstanding hockey player growing up, she was my little side kick, followed me everywhere and always wanted to play street hockey or mini hockey with my friends. She has two beautiful children…which I often post on Social Media.
The youngest Vanessa is in the military. She has such a strong work ethic. She has worked since she was 14 and worked with my Father until she joined the Army. She really enjoys it and is a supply Sargent.
All my family members have had an impact in my life, and it’s why I have always given back to them as much as I could through my career. I love them dearly.
8. The Playoffs are coming up in March. Do you have a regimen that puts you in your best focused state?
For many that know me as a hockey player, they know my game changes come playoffs. My mentality is a win there’s no tomorrow mentality. Like the NFL. Every game is important. I have always been confident in the fact that I’m a playoff player. Big players show up in big games. And I like to be that guy. I don’t know what exactly it is, but it’s the best time of year, it’s the most exciting, and I am just that much more focused because I want to win! Who doesn’t? I know everyone says that, but there’s just something different about certain players during playoffs. You gotta have that mentality.
During regular season, there’s so many games that I think mentally, sometimes guys take nights off. It’s why I love the NFL. Every week is important. In hockey or basketball or baseball, the mentality can be, ah there’s 40 games left we can make it up. But when it comes to hockey playoffs, you can’t think that. It’s now or never, you do whatever it takes to win. And I just love the feeling and rush of that.
9. What one word describes you?
Selfless – there’s no other way to put it. I have many words that I could put. But I really put the needs of others first. I love helping others in any way I can. Whether it’s talking friends through difficult times, helping them with a situation, anything. I love to help.
10. What can we expect from Jimmy Sharrow in the next year?
Wow, the next year. I would really like to get going with career after hockey. I’m 34 now, I’d love to play as long as I can, I still love it, but I know life comes at you fast, you meet someone, you don’t get a contract, you get injured…so many variables. I’d love to be a father soon, it’s something I cherish, so who knows you never know what life brings. I have a passion for the luxury concierge market. Perhaps I’ll take this direction after Hockey. I think my life experiences thus far has prepared me well, so I will explore this. However, ask me again in a year!